Saturday, January 27, 2007

Geocache January 2007

Shani and I seem to be filling our lives with more and more structure and this is a good thing. We are finding through the many lifehack websites that making lists, setting goals and generally managing one's time, is time well spent.

So along those lines we have made it a priority to name one weekend a month 'Geocache Weekend." This assures that we will have time to go GC. January's fell on the coldest day EVER! But we are dedicated, and this was our first time out - so we persisted. Walking through snow, battling a biting wind and generally enjoying our cold little selves while in the pursuit of our first find.

I took some pictures. Nothing terribly exciting, but pictures all the same.

Monday, January 1, 2007

The adventure begins

It all began with great little gift, an eXplorist 210 GPS unit. Such potential this little device has-- and such headaches.

My wife and I decided that in an effort to enjoy this little toy and the great outdoors we would dive into the world of Geocaching. Geocaching? What is that you say? It is part technology, part outdoors, but the basic idea is you get a GPS unit and then you go on a treasure hunt. You are looking for little boxes which are the caches. Inside there might be little trinkets, geocache bugs (more later) or just a log for you to record your name and the date. In this blog I shall log my adventures with my handy yellow GPS, my trusty cameras and my adorable wife.